State: New Hampshire
Website: www.dartmouth.edu

forged a singular identity as a strong undergraduate and graduate institution dedicated to teaching and research

Quick Overview:
Great library, campus is safe, good computer facilities, frats and sororities are dominant.

The word from: the Students

Students at Dartmouth work hard and take it very seriously, that could end up making them unhappy but it's quite the contrary, they're happy and have lot's of fun. It's a small school but that doesn't mean it lacks opportunities and it's quite challenging without being competitive. Great academics and very accessible professors are pluses as well. Dartmouth gives a lot of focus to under-graduates, contrary to other Ivy League universities that concentrate on research. Adopting a calendar distribution of 4 10-weeks terms, Dartmouth intends to maximize flexibility. Professors are wonderful, academically and as people, many of the greatest minds in the country teach at Dartmouth and they're very willing to just sit and chat with students, making it very comfortable to study in here.

There's a great sense of community and tradition among students, meaning there's a huge school spirit. Outdoors' activities are many and encouraged, the student body tends to be very involved in those, things like hiking, biking, rock climbing, skiing. There are of course indoors activities too such as partying. There aren't however many city activities to participate in due to the city's small size. Most of the people attend parties at frats on the weekends as to compensate for the lack of things to do at night. Students are very involved in campus organizations and sports teams too.

The typical student is hard to define mainly because Dartmouth wants to create a world of very different people. Mainly the people here are well-balanced individuals and out going, as different from each other as they can be, from jocks to geeks, but everyone gets to find the place to fit in.

Useful info:


Academic GPA
level of applicant's interest

Application essay
extracurricular activities

Class rank
volunteer work
first generation

3 stars - Very important factors taken into account
2 stars - Important factors taken into account
1 star - Other factors taken into account

Required academic units:

  • 4 English
  • 4 Mathematics
  • 4 Science
  • 3 Social Studies
  • 3 History

Financial Aid

Should provide: FFSA, CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE, noncustodial PROFILE, business/farm supplement, current W2 or Federal Tax Returns.
Need-based scholarships/grants: Federal Pell, SEOG, state scholarships, private scholarships, school's own aid.
Loan aid avaliable: FFEL Subsidized Stafford, FFEL Unsubsidized Stafford.


Popular Majors - Economics, Psychology, Political Science and Government

Calendar - Quarter
Common regular class size - 10-19 students

# of applicants (rough) - 14,000
% accepted - 15

Tuition (rough) - $37,000

Type: Private
Website: www.studentaffairs.columbia.edu

Quick Overview:
Great library, diverse student types on campus, location is great, good off-campus food, safe campus, students are satisfied.

The word from: the Students

Columbia University provides an excellent educational experience combining the rigor of the Ivy League and the chaotic ways of New York city. The course work can be very demanding at times and studying about the world is encouraged to be done in new and sometimes uncomfortable ways. With inspiring professors, many who are brilliant in their fields, Columbia can boast its excellent education. They're enthusiastic and sometimes obsessed with their subject, some even have the scholarly air of arrogance and be though graders too but those are the ones that teach best. The core curriculum at the university focus on western philosophy, literature and fine arts. The administration is accessible although a bit bureaucratic.

 Studying is hard during the week but so is partying on weekends. Since its located in NYC there is a ton of things that can be done for entertainment, things like shopping, going to the movies, concerts, museums, clubs among many other fun activities. A word of warning its not a cheap way of living, things like dining out can end up being expensive. There's also activity inside the campus like group activities and dorm parties, students often organize themselves for various kinds of meetings and other gatherings.

Columbia is just like the city its in, composed of a huge variety of people with all sorts of interests, backgrounds, religions, ethnicities and others. It's possible to find conversations about everything and anything. Generally smart and dedicated people many aren't very wordly but still friendly.

Useful info:


Academic GPA
Application essay

work experience
geographical residence

alumni relation
volunteer work
racial/ethnic status

3 stars - Very important factors taken into account
2 stars - Important factors taken into account
1 star - Other factors taken into account

Required academic units:

  • 4 English
  • 4 Mathematics
  • 4 Science (4 Science Labs)
  • 4 Foreign Language
  • 4 History
  • 4 Academic Elective

Financial Aid

Should provide: FFSA, CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE, state aid form, noncustodial PROFILE, business/farm supplement.
Need-based scholarships/grants: Federal Pell, SEOG, state scholarships, private scholarships, school's own aid.
Loan aid avaliable: FFEL Subsidized Stafford, FFEL Unsubsidized Stafford, Direct PLUS.


Popular Majors - Political Science, English, Engineering

Calendar - Semester
Common regular class size - 10-19 students

# of applicants (rough) - 21,000
% accepted - 10

Tuition (rough) - $35,000

Type: Private
State: Rhode Island
Website: www.brown.edu

Quick Overview:
Students are friendly, good off-campus food, students are satisfied, no one cheats.

The word from: the Students

The unconventional approach to life and learning conducted by Brown University is quite visible on their willingness to use untested, experimental methods of learning, like the 2 week free classes when students can go to whatever class they want as to let them choose which best fits their needs. A system that treats students fairly and lets them have freedom of choice and even if some can go off track there are measures and ways to aid anyone succeeding despite the odds. Professors in general are good, of course still hit or miss sometimes but every department has amazing professors that will help and aid in anything. As for the academics it's up to the students to get involved as much as they want.

Most of the students education comes from participating in other activities and getting involved with the student body in general. They often gather to think and discuss important issues, from life to politics, society to global affairs, relationships among others. Brown students organize many parties mainly dorm hosted but if you're not into parties you're still welcome at Brown University of course. Aside from parties students organize cultural activities as well, such as indie bands, student performances, jazz, dancing and many others.

It's unique student body composed of people from different backgrounds, different styles and ideals makes it a very diverse place to study in. All united under their love for learning. Most people here are atypical to fashion, music taste and academic interests. Overall it's quite laid-back and casual community, friendly and everyone goes well with one another.

Useful info:


Academic GPA
level of applicant's interest

Application essay
extracurricular activities

Class rank
volunteer work
first generation

3 stars - Very important factors taken into account
2 stars - Important factors taken into account
1 star - Other factors taken into account

Required academic units:

  • 4 English
  • 3 Mathematics
  • 3 Science (2 Science Labs)
  • 3 Foreign Language
  • 2 History
  • 1 Academic Elective

Financial Aid

Should provide: FFSA, CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE, state aid form, noncustodial PROFILE, business/farm supplement.
Need-based scholarships/grants: Federal Pell, SEOG, state scholarships, private scholarships, school's own aid.
Loan aid avaliable: Direct Subsidized Stafford, Direct Unsubsidized Stafford, Direct PLUS.


Popular Majors - Biology, History, International Relations and Affairs

Calendar - Semester
Common regular class size - 10-19 students

# of applicants (rough) - 19000
% accepted - 14

Tuition (rough) - $35,000

Type: Private
State: Michigan
Website: www.albion.edu

dedicated to preserving the values of the past, to serving the needs of the present, and to anticipating the goals of the future.

Quick overview:

The word from: the Students

Albion is a small college but it doesn't mean it lacks quality. It has great biology, sciences and pre-law classes for example. It's size provides something bigger institutions can't, which is the intimacy between peers and instructors, it's a very close community that keeps together and makes it a more familiar place to study. Teachers treat the students very nicely and friendly they encourage further studying and schooling. Students benefit immensely from a great number of opportunities such as studying abroad and internships. Albion boasts a very thight and nice community of people.

The city itself doesn't have much to offer due to it's size, that doesn't mean however that there's no activity at all inside the campus grounds, there's always something going on at some fraternity. Since the only interesting place in the city is the cinema theater, students organize themselves other entertainment ways, like concerts or stand-up shows.

The student body involves itself in various organizations with every kind of objective from community outreach to philosophical discussions and hobbies, among many others. Their background is diverse there are wealthier individuals as well as small town ones, making it quite balanced. Since its such a diverse place there's no dominant religion either.

Useful info:


level of applicant's interest
academic GPA

Application essay
extracurricular activities

class rank 
volunteer work
first generation

3 stars - Very important factors taken into account
2 stars - Important factors taken into account
1 star - Other factors taken into account

Financial Aid

Should provide: FAFSA
Need-based shcolarships/grants: Federal Pell, SEOG, state scholarships, private scholarships, school's own aid.
Loan aid avaliable: FFEL subsidized Stafford, FFEL unsubsidized stafford, FFEL PLUS, college/university loans from institutional funds.


Popular Majors - Biological Sciences, Psychology, Economics.

Calendar - Semester
Common regular class size - 10-19 students
Common lab size -  10-19 students

# of applicants (rough) - 2200
% accepted - 81

Tuition (rough) - $27,000

Type: Private
State: Georgia
Website: www.agnesscott.edu

Educating women to think deeply, live honorably and engage the intellectual and social challenges of their times.

Quick Overview:

The word from: the Students

Agnes Scott students have a very close relationship with their teachers, very available and helpful, making it feel like a very personal experience and actually making it better and more comfortable to study in. A friendly environment which helps to strengthen teachers and students interactions. As for the classes themselves they're engaging and really push students to think critically about the subjects and not just memorize facts. Even though the school is a bit small and thus unable to provide some courses, it's all balanced by offering reading courses and independent studies. Agnes Scott can be challenging but given the support students get it's possible to succeed.

Its proximity to Atlanta helps in finding entertainment and activities outside of the school, like shopping, visiting museums and most importantly part time jobs, which the city has plenty.

Besides these activities the campus offers plenty of student activities, various kinds of celebrations and general gatherings for student interaction. Since its student body is so diverse ethnically, there doesn't seem to exist a typical Agnes Scott student, but of course small groups still exist but when it comes to campus wide events they're united. There's a tendency for a left political ideal, quite liberal and idealistic.

Useful info:


Class rank
Application essay
academic GPA

volunteer work
work experience
extracurricular activities

level of applicant's interest 
geographical residence
first generation

3 stars - Very important factors taken into account
2 stars - Important factors taken into account
1 star - Other factors taken into account

Financial Aid

Should provide: FAFSA and previous year tax return.
Need-based shcolarships/grants: Federal Pell, SEOG, state scholarships, private scholarships, school's own aid.
Loan aid avaliable: FFEL subsidized Stafford, FFEL unsubsidized stafford, FFEL PLUS, college/university loans from institutional funds.


Popular Majors - English Language and Literature, Psychology, Economics.

Calendar - Semester
Common regular class size - 10-19 students
Common lab size - less than 10 students

# of applicants (rough) - 1600
% accepted - 45

Tuition (rough) - $26,000

So what exactly does it take to get into a nice college? For one high grades through out high school is a given fact, striving for them is a top priority already for most of college applicants, but what else is taken into account when reviewing each application?

  • High grades: It's a given, high grades play a major role in being accepted.

  • Enrolling in difficult/challenging course: having them in your high school profile shows that you like challenges and that you are a hard worker.

  • Good writing skills: Having a great writing skill can do wonders for you, showing that you are ready for a step further into your education.

  • Plan ahead: Having a good relationship with your school's staff, your teachers and advisers makes it easier to get recommendation letters from them, boosting your chances even higher.

  • Engage activities out of school: Extra curricular activities, community service or summer/after-school employment just shows that you're capable of doing things on your own and shows leadership skills.

In conclusion, high grades through high school are important, just not the only important aspect that there is to it, so take heed!

As many have probably noticed by now, colleges seem to have the resources and time to create enticing brochures, beautiful ones, showing how the classes are great at their institution and seem to overlap a very important aspect: what kind of students are they looking for? What Specific profiles by which they guide they're decisions of admission.

The thing is, the admission review process isn't a very, let's say, standardized one, much money is spent on the admission officers and their thought out decision is part of a intricate system of deliberation and not a result of luck and circumstance playing a major role.

Taking this into account, as a follow up we'll go through the major points that influence a decision by these officers.

Every year, millions of high school students in the US apply for college to pursue a higher level of education. It's not an easy thing, criteria must be met to be accepted, the number of choices to where to apply to is enormous, something around 3,500 different schools offering all sorts of majors.

Taking this into account, The College Consortium would like to help out by introducing some of the avaliable schools and institutions, so to make it easier on possible new applicants making an informed and well thought out choice and be ready to meet the expectations of what admission officers are looking in an applicant.

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